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  1. #1
    RaphQ4 Guest

    Default "Alfa code" problem

    hi all!

    I've got a problem with my '96 Q4 : I can't start the engine.

    My starter is running normally.

    I think that the problem is due to the "Alfa code", because the light on the board is always on.

    I have try to proceed to the emergency procedure start, but I can't do it because the injector light isn't on, and i need it to enter manually my code.

    any idea?

    thinks, Bye. Raph.

  2. #2
    FletchQ4 Guest


    Take the battery off for half an hour and try again if that dont work dissconect the yellow code box which is underneath the steering wheel above the fusebox for a while and try again. This should cure it unless there is a real problem.

  3. #3
    RaphQ4 Guest


    ok thinks, I will try tomorow.

    I have check my battery voltage, i've got 11.75 V.

    Is it ok, or I really need 12V?

    bye, Raph.

  4. #4
    Negative Creep Guest


    sounds like its a bit flat!

  5. #5
    RaphQ4 Guest



    I've unplugged the battery during half an hour, without sucess...

    does your injector light is off when you turn your key just before start the engine?

    bye, Raph

  6. #6
    Juan AR155Q4 Guest


    11.75v seems a little low. Could you try with other battery?

  7. #7
    RaphQ4 Guest



    for the alfa code problem it was just a relay to change.

    But my Q4 don't want to start!

    it's not due to the battery, i have change it whitout sucess.

    I don't know how to proceed to check if the fuel arrive to the engine.

    I will also check if my spark are working...



  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaphQ4

    for the alfa code problem it was just a relay to change.

    But my Q4 don't want to start!

    it's not due to the battery, i have change it whitout sucess.

    I don't know how to proceed to check if the fuel arrive to the engine.

    I will also check if my spark are working...


    I did this by unscrewing the fuel pipe when it comes to the engine, its here(bottom pipe in the pic, top left of the engine bay)

    I turned the ignition on and the fuel should start pumping.

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