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  1. #1
    ShaunC Guest

    Default Q4 Owners manual

    Any body have a scan of the owners manual?

    I need to see the Fuse Box Layout with descriptions. Looking for the relay that controls the driving lights.

    Currently when you turn the stalk, parking lights switch on, when you turn it for the driving lights, they switch on for 2 seconds then switch back to park lights.

    Any help, bit of a pain driving at night with only park lights

  2. #2
    FletchQ4 Guest


    the switches in the lights stork at the steering wheel have been known to go faulty but in the 8years and 3 155's ive had ive never had it.
    the manuals are on this site or maybe back at alfarchive .

  3. #3
    FletchQ4 Guest


    Yep just checked they are on the main page where the articles are when you first hit your bookmark page 2

  4. #4
    ShaunC Guest


    I'm I going blind?

    Articles index page

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    Magazine Reviews

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    Where about's on this site???

  5. #5
    Juan AR155Q4 Guest



  6. #6
    ShaunC Guest


    Sorry I'm a bit slow. Found it in the Workshop manual like you'll all said.
    Is there any thing interesting in the Owners Manual for the Q4?


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