Not sure if any of you lot will be interested, but whilst digging through a load of car stuff I found a whole load of Alfa / Fiat / Lancia badges.

Fiat Stick x 5

Red Fiat Stick x 10

Alfa Romeo Stick x 10

Alfa Romeo Pin 1 only

Elephant Pin x 5

HF Elephant Pin 1 only

DTM Pin x 8

Lancia Shield Pin x 5

Blue Fiat Pin x 9

Alfa Romeo Script Pin - Sold out

Alfatastisch pin x 3

Alfa Car Pin x 2

I've got multiples of all of them, I'll edit this post to show exactly how many of each later today.

Price - €2.50 each 5 for €10
Postage - €1.50 1-5 badges

