Most of my work is outside, so having a couple of inches of snow on the ground and sub zero temperatures is not really my preferred working conditions. As such I've been getting through all the jobs around the house that I've been nagged about for ages.
This afternoons job was to replace a sagging part of the ceiling. Not a big job, but of course these things never go smoothly, and I'll need to go up into the loft which is my least favorite place on earth due to it being cramped, dirty and generally like an assault course in miniature.
After a few technical issues, wooden beams in unexpected places etc, the new part of the ceiling is in place and looking good. All I need to do is get down from the loft, put my tools away and crack a beer. Oh no couldn't be that simple could it, on the way back to the loft hatch, CRUNCH, and my knee has gone through another part of the ceiling.

Well at least it will keep me busy tomorrow.