Had a few hours in the garage this afternoon to get a few jobs done, including fitting the fuel pressure sender and wiring it into the gauge.
All the extra bits and pieces were bought from Demon tweeks in the UK.
Adaptor to break into the existing fuel line:
Sender unit in place, sealed with Teflon tape:
This is where the adaptor needs to fit in:
Luckily I've got a separate switch on the fuel pump power line so I can isolate the pump and then turn the engine over to remove all the pressure from the fuel line.
With all the pressure out, I removed the fuel line from the regulator and added a new piece of fuel hose to this side of things:
Then its just a case of putting the adaptor in place and wiring the sender unit in. This involves one of my least favorite jobs. Running wires through the bulkhead!! I've already some extra wires and water hose for the waterspray kit running through there so its quite tight:
And the Alfa wiring on the inside doesn't help:
All went fairly well and this is what it looks like in place:
Back to the interior, here are the gauges, firstly when everything is off:
And switched on:
All in all not to bad, but I'm not happy with the location of the sender or the quality of the electrical connectors under the bonnet. A couple of things to look at in the future.