I am going to left my car to the mechanic in order that he installs the Evocars chip i've bought.
Apart of it, i have other questions, and its about the waterspray system (my car is a series 1)... as you know i'm using the Q4 everiday, and for the moment the only upgrade i wanna apply to my car is the Evocars chip; no exhaust replace for the moment because my wyfe drives the Q4 too, and she don't wanna hear a "rally-sound" .
So... my questions are...
Do you think is necessary to "turn-on" the waterspray system on my conditions of use?
I will get some power with the system turned on?
I saw that the system puts water on the intercooler when the boost presure its over 0.7 bar, then with the chip upgrade it will be putting water on the intercooler too much, isn't it?
Thank you in advance, regards.