View Full Version : Bad luck

07-03-08, 12:26
Hi guys,
I have a Q4 already for 3 weeks and I am very happy with it but
last night I have a very bad luck?.while I was trying to slide the car I crashed in one curb stone. The hit was perpendicular of direction of the car and in the right and rear wheel. See the following attached image?.The hit was at an average strong but: aluminum wheel is broken, and after that the car starts to move in a zigzag. I noticed one more thing that now when I am driving ahead the steering wheel is a little bit turned on the right. I don?t disassemble the rear suspension yet but I?m interesting what can be the problem In the worst case.:cry:

07-03-08, 12:28
Here it is the image....

07-03-08, 12:40
changeing the whole back end if the control arms are bent. If you will need it i can arengo one but trry to get one localy

07-03-08, 13:34
Yes bad luck :( Think you are going to have to take the whole rear end apart..

Welcome to the forum btw :)

07-03-08, 13:36
what you mean with whole back?......whole back suspension??
tomorrow i will disassemble the suspension and I'll get a more clear idea what was done with my back:)

07-03-08, 19:25
daniel... what about some pictures!!


08-03-08, 12:00
I have two news--> the first is that when I removed the wheel i didn't noticed anything strange, everything seems to be OK and i suspected that the aluminum wheel may be is twisted.
Second news is: when i put a new wheel and tested the car on the road....the problem is still existing. it's very strange.....when i'm driving straight ahead the car is moving normally but when i press the accelerator or the break - the car starts to twist and turn.

There is none vibrations or knocking during the car is on the move.

08-03-08, 12:32
there must be something broken not twisted try to mowe the arm thet got hit whit a crov bar it there is any slack (other than up down ) you have busted it