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View Full Version : Your Cars in the Register

Steve Webb
28-10-07, 17:36
As you are all no doubt aware we have the Q4 owners register here Q4 Owners Register (http://www.berlinasportivo.com/marquespec/Alfa/Q4register/index.php) which at the moment has the pics and details of 35 different cars from all around the world.

I thought it might be a good idea to have a thread on the forum where members can add a quick link back to their own car. Also if you are a member of the forum but haven't yet had your car added, why not spend 5 minutes digging some pics out and sending a mail with a few details about your car to here Q4 Register (steve@berlinasportivo.com)

Steve Webb
28-10-07, 17:38
Here is my car in the register


My Car in the register <click to view> (http://www.berlinasportivo.com/marquespec/Alfa/Q4register/steve.php)

29-05-08, 17:46
My car is on the register too! :smile:

Thanks a lot Steve, it does a lot of illusion to me :cheers:

29-05-08, 18:09
...and here is my car: http://www.berlinasportivo.com/marquespec/Alfa/Q4register/wrinx.php

It's very much an ongoing project (as most of them are!), been tinkering again today as it happens :)

Steve, did you get the updated pictures (and text?) I sent some time ago?


Steve Webb
10-02-11, 10:01
Hi everybody, I am in the middle of revamping the website at the moment. So if you have any new pictures of your car you would like added to the register, or if you haven't submitted your car to the register yet, please drop me a mail at steve@berlinasportivo.com with details and pictures.

Also there will be a new section for interesting non Q4 cars, so if you have something else that you think others will be interested in please get in touch.

And if you haven't already created your own page in the members garage (link is in the forum menu bar) please take a few minutes to add yourself.