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View Full Version : Is this the original chip from the Alfa factory?

20-08-07, 19:42
This is the chip which I thought was standard, that I took out of my car so I could fit the Squadra chip.

This was 3 years ago, and iv just found it again, looking at it, its got blue pen writing on it, which I doubt was done at the factory - could it be an aftermarket chip :confused:

Unfortunately I broke a contact off the chip when removing it, sure it can be fixed :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


21-08-07, 01:48
the original chip, in my 8v at least was of the EPROM type, aftermarket chips are usually EEPROM's, like the one in the picture... what's the difference, besides an extra E I hear you thinking? EPROM stands for Electrically Programmable Read-Only Memory. The data has to be erased using UV light, and there's a sticker covering a lens. EEPROM are Electrically Erasable and Programmable Read-Only Memory...

Mind you, maybe the q4 came with EEPROM's standard... But the one in my 8v was quite ordibnary looking, no specific markings or brandnames of any kind...

22-08-07, 08:06
No, this one is a 27c256 but NOT the OEM one. Certainly this is an aftermarket one.

OEM one has a 'glass' on the upper side and you can see the chip through that glass. You can also erase it, with UV, through that glass.
The stick over that glass is used to protect the data from day light - sun, though you'll need more that 30 days under direct sunlight to erase it! On the OEM's chip stick you should see a typed stick with the numbers : 101.03, 101.04 or 101.05. On my OEM chip is typed "4W6/P8 IMMO 101.05"

As for the broken contact you could solder it, but it certainly is better to copy this chip into a new one and not use that chip in your car.



22-08-07, 09:19
Thanks Nick and Cuore.

So, if this is an aftermarket chip - that would explain why I did not feel the big difference I was expecting when I put the Squadra in - This chip was making more power already!

This one says in the writing on it "4W6/P8" but not the other bit.

I wonder where this is from....


22-08-07, 10:53
Jack - you can use the information that Wolf66 provided in this forum a month back to see if the data that your EEPROM contains is just the standard data or if it is modified - exactly how it has been modified and where. All you need is a simple EEPROM reader and that data in wolf66's post. He also outlines all the address tables that can be modified and the free tools that you can use to make it very simple. cheers, jim.

22-08-07, 11:17
Thanks Jim. I will take a look - I know next to nothing about this sort of thing - never a harm in learning though!

Nick, is this the glass you are referring to? The circle in the middle?

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Blank-EPROM-27c64-NMC27C64Q-12-5v-28-Pin-EPROM_W0QQitemZ160149178748QQihZ006QQcategoryZ3543 QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

I guess so.

I think I need one of these (27C256))
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/TMS-27C256-20JL-ERASABLE-EPROMS-x-9_W0QQitemZ160149714729QQihZ006QQcategoryZ4663QQss PageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

22-08-07, 12:17
yes, and one of these to copy the original data onto the new chip - and so that you can see if it is standard or not....

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Dual-Powered-Willem-Universal-EPROM-Programmer-27C256_W0QQitemZ200144070089QQihZ010QQcategoryZ400 04QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

22-08-07, 14:55
yes Jack,
this is the glass I was talking about.
You can use any 27c256 eprom {like the one on ebay or any other one from a hardware store} and as Jimnielsen wrote you will need the 'willem eprom rpogramer' - I use the same one - in order to read and write an eprom {and not just a 27c256}.
To compare the map inside this eprom with the OEM one, it is easier for a beginer to use the "iCar" {Carwaves freeware} software from the download page at 'http://www.hfalex.it/grggt.htm". You can compare visualy {in grafics} the various maps with this software. You'll need the OEM map to compare with and if you want I can send you the OEM file for your car.
It will very difficult to compare the Squadra map as this one is encripted and hard to 'translate' it to a 'simple' map.



I believe that next week I'll have the spare time {newborn tweens willing} to go downtown and buy some eproms for a map that I've promissed to Pavs quite some time ago. If you need anything please let me know.

23-08-07, 09:07
I peeled back the sticker on this chip a little bit and there is the circle of glass. But I still think it is non standard as the sticker is written on and not typed.

I am going to get one of these readers and give it a test - just need to find a PC with the right input!

I will let you know when I have the reader.


23-08-07, 19:41
I use a very old pc {4-5 years old} with Win 98 SE, with the willem programmer.
So, do not worry for the pc.

Wish the best with eproms.


23-08-07, 19:49
I've still got the original chip if you want a picture?

23-08-07, 21:30
That would be great pavs, cheers!