View Full Version : pressure of the water pressure switch
HI,it's my first question and i appologise for my poor english!!!
my pressure switch turn to on at 1.1 bars and not at 0.7 bars.
-somebody know if it's normal for the first Q4 ?
where i can fine a pressure switch for turning on my water pomp at 0.7 bars
Hi Bruno, Welcome to the forum.
I am not really sure about the switch, I think it is supposed to be 0.7 and above that it switches.
But I have over ridden mine so I just have a button next to the drivers seat.
p.s - Post some pics of your car :D
Steve Webb
19-06-07, 17:11
Hi Bruno,
don't worry about your English. All the waterspray pressure pumps should activate at 0.7bar. Can you get a look at the switch and see if it has a part number on it. Have you had a look at the main website, there is an article on there about the workings of the waterspray along with all the part numbers.
HI,thanks JAKE and STEVE for your answers,for pics i send some when i have some nice one!!!j
for the pressure switch i hop so i'ts not the good one the part number is:5016650 VEGLIA F2 and FIAT logo javascript:emoticon(':cry:')
Crying or Very sad
thanks a lot and have good time
Steve Webb
22-06-07, 08:00
Hi Bruno,
The pressure switch is Alfa part #60809006 so not sure if the one you have is correct. If the switch is not sealed correctly it might be leaking pressure and so it might take 1.1bar to trigger it instead of the standard 0.7bar.
i phone at my alfa dealer and he say me after asking his computer :this pressure switch is now uncknow because the production is stopped,and alfa france and italy haven't in stock anywhere, if somebody have one i buy it .I 'm serching on the web olso.
LaughingI'have buy an aeronautique pressostat in CANADA with e-bay and i can dial the pressure now the water pomp turn on at 0.6 bar,all of this for only 24 euros with the shippment,good deal!!!
Juan AR155Q4
03-08-07, 19:24
Sometime this was talked (maybe in previous forum), but the ideal thing is to install a thermal switch, so air reachs a certain temperature, the water spray is activated.
Itīs a simply mod as only need a thermistor and easy electronic.
-In this case i have ad an on off command and switch test for testing the
water pomp circuit it realy simple to make this ,and it's not too expensive!!!
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