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01-05-07, 10:36
just watched on the berlina sportivo website that Steve modified the air duct to the oil cooler. I don't have a Q4 but am rebuilding the engine of my twinny and was wondering if Steve has seen an improvement in oil temp with the new duct


Steve Webb
08-05-07, 10:45
Apologies for the delay on replying to this one, the mods I made around the oil cooler have reduced the oil temp. It used to run at about 90c but yesterday when I was running around in traffic the oil temp didn't go over 80c

You do have to bear in mind though that there is a thermostat on the oil cooler, so the mods I've made will probably have a bigger effect when you are really thrashing the car in high ambient temps.


08-05-07, 12:15
Apologies for the delay on replying to this one, the mods I made around the oil cooler have reduced the oil temp. It used to run at about 90c but yesterday when I was running around in traffic the oil temp didn't go over 80c

You do have to bear in mind though that there is a thermostat on the oil cooler, so the mods I've made will probably have a bigger effect when you are really thrashing the car in high ambient temps.


mods around the oil cooler? Very very interesting!!!
Could you please tell what did you do?



Juan AR155Q4
08-05-07, 15:28
Apologies for the delay on replying to this one, the mods I made around the oil cooler have reduced the oil temp. It used to run at about 90c but yesterday when I was running around in traffic the oil temp didn't go over 80c

You do have to bear in mind though that there is a thermostat on the oil cooler, so the mods I've made will probably have a bigger effect when you are really thrashing the car in high ambient temps.


mods around the oil cooler? Very very interesting!!!
Could you please tell what did you do?



And we also want pics of this!!!!! :P :P :P

08-05-07, 20:06

pics are there.

And my car would be tracked, so it's interesting to see what an improved setup for the oilcooler would do. The thermostat should indeed keep the oil around 80°c

seems I'll be taking the front bumper off then

08-05-07, 21:34
pics are there.

Titel is "Improving Intercooler efficiency"

That's something different ;)

So we have to wait for the pictures I guess ;)


09-05-07, 05:46
If you read down, it will talk about the oil cooler also

The oilcooler shroud is if anything even worse. There is no opening in the bumper infront of the cooler, and the shroud has to try to deflect air from the small opening in the bumper that is used for the towing eye. Removing this, and modifying the bumper should again improve its cooling efficiency.

Juan AR155Q4
09-05-07, 13:33
You´re right, but I don´t think it´s the only mod he has made. It seems difficult lowering oil temp (10ºC) just with the mod you mention.

Let´s wait for Steve´s answer.

15-05-07, 01:23
The best way to improve the oil cooler efficiency is to fit a little fan activated for the oil temp sensor as is mounted on 164 cars.
I saw that on a 164 V6 of friend of mine, and really works.

The thing is how to fit it with the reduced space that Q4 have, but everything is possible!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

15-05-07, 01:27
Sorry, I would say
"....with the reduced space that Q4 has, but everything....."

My Tarzan have car Q4 :D :D :D

Steve Webb
15-05-07, 18:48
Right, sorry for taking so long to get back on this one.
The mods for the oil cooler started when I removed the fog lights, this was done for the IC waterspray install. The rear mounting portion of the fog lights was also removed. This needed the bumper split into its 2 parts to complete. The oil cooler shroud was then removed.

The effect of this is to create a hole in the bumper which is much bigger than the standard hole. Also the air flows straight back over the oil cooler, rather than being shifted sideways behind the bumper, then over the oil cooler.

Results so far have been good, but I've not had a chance to see what the temp does after a prolonged thrashing.

I would like a temp controlled fan mounted off axis by the oil cooler, but there isn't much room down there and it could be fiddley to fit.



Steve Webb
15-05-07, 18:48
Right, sorry for taking so long to get back on this one.
The mods for the oil cooler started when I removed the fog lights, this was done for the IC waterspray install. The rear mounting portion of the fog lights was also removed. This needed the bumper split into its 2 parts to complete. The oil cooler shroud was then removed.

The effect of this is to create a hole in the bumper which is much bigger than the standard hole. Also the air flows straight back over the oil cooler, rather than being shifted sideways behind the bumper, then over the oil cooler.

Results so far have been good, but I've not had a chance to see what the temp does after a prolonged thrashing.

I would like a temp controlled fan mounted off axis by the oil cooler, but there isn't much room down there and it could be fiddley to fit.



Steve Webb
15-05-07, 18:50
Right, sorry for taking so long to get back on this one.
The mods for the oil cooler started when I removed the fog lights, this was done for the IC waterspray install. The rear mounting portion of the fog lights was also removed. This needed the bumper split into its 2 parts to complete. The oil cooler shroud was then removed.

The effect of this is to create a hole in the bumper which is much bigger than the standard hole. Also the air flows straight back over the oil cooler, rather than being shifted sideways behind the bumper, then over the oil cooler.

Results so far have been good, but I've not had a chance to see what the temp does after a prolonged thrashing.

I would like a temp controlled fan mounted off axis by the oil cooler, but there isn't much room down there and it could be fiddley to fit.



15-05-07, 22:35
Right, sorry for taking so long to get back on this one.

Your anwser in tripled makes it alright :P
We forgive you :lol:

I've got a Hörmann DTM front bumper and the plan is to get rid of the lower part of the front bumper. This way the air has a free flow and a lot more free space. Butt I've to look in to that some time.


16-05-07, 14:08
Getting improved airflow over intercooler and oil cooler is one of the jobs scheduled for this summer. I noticed alot of the Dutch Q4s I saw at Zaandvort acouple of years ago had round vents cut into the bumper with flexi-hoses to direct the cold air to the relevant area.

Does this work ?