View Full Version : Finally Got a Q4
I am now the proud owner of alfajacks project car Q4
Glad its gone to a good home, hope it serves you well mate :)
about time he got that finished :wink: :lol: :lol:
congratulations :D
Have fun while driving it.
Juan AR155Q4
20-10-06, 20:32
Welcome to the jungle!!
Looks really good, but IŽd doubt about the mechanic who did the overhaul. It doesnŽt seems like if he knows about Q4s
Hello to every "Cuore Sportivo" in here !!! :D
I'm Cristian (aka XTI), glad to meet you all. I've read some of your posts and I'm impressed of your knowledge about Alfa Romeos and even more on Q4. This car is something I want to learn from, character and personality most off all. And how can I learn more and better than have him here, beside me.
Yes, I'll bring home an Q4 '95 Widebodyed. He is in pretty bad shape, I'll let you know what this means. He's the only one in my country, Romania.
For now I've sent some money to Gabi, a friend of mine, to give to my Q4 what he needs so I can bring him home on wheels (the trailer would cost me a lot of money so I prefered to buy some parts in stead of transportation). I'll have it here by myself, would be a pleasure for both of us, I'm sure we'll be good friends soon. I'll take care of him, it's my promiss to him, here in front off you all.
For now we have three major problems ( I hope it isn't very soon to start with questions, but I can't stand very much longer without him:
1st: The water temperature goes very fast (5 min) to 90 and up to 98.
2nd: The oil temperature stays on 90 but soon jumps to 100
3rd: When goes constant with 3500 rpm occures some backfires.
I've heard that he had two times blown gasket and might suffered flattenings. The compresion ratio might be also increasead, in the very next days we'll check this too.
First off all I want to thank you all for bringing me in here and for your help. It's a little bit difficult for me, I dont have very much technical experience but I'll do my best from now on. And of course share all of this with you all. I had to save him because "Il cuore ha sempre raggione"... :wink:
Steve Webb
19-06-07, 17:09
Hi Cristian,
nice to see you on the forum, and don't worry about your English, I'm sure we can all understand you. Anyway your English is alot better than my Romanian!
As for your problems,
1. The water in a Q4 warms up very quickly at startup so getting to 85C in a couple of minutes is not uncommon, however, if the water gets hotter than that you might have a problem with the water thermostat being stuck closed, or the radiator might be clogged. Neither is a big job.
2. The Q4 has an oil radiator that also has a thermostat unit. Has the oil cooler been damaged and been blanked off? What oil is in the car at the moment anyway?
3. When you say it backfires, do you mean it pops and bangs, or is it a proper loud backfire? If it just pops and bangs it probably is just a hole in the exhaust downpipe/flexipipe.
If the car has had 2 head gaskets gone, it may well have slightly higher compression, but this would only really cause a problem when you were running under boost.
Anyway welcome to the forum and we all look forward to seeing some pictures of your car in the members garage.
Hi Steve !
Nice to meet you too and thanks for your words, it makes me feel really welcomed. And thank to you all for being so kind with my english, I'll try hard to make some improvements in the future. Thanks again to you all. :wink:
The problems...
1. Yes, it's possible that the radiator could be clogged and soon we'll check this out but the water thermostat is a new one and I hope it works properly.
2. I admit that I haven't checked the oil radiator thermostat and I'll ask my friend about the oil cooler conditon (as you know, I haven't saw this car but once and just from exterior much earlier before buying it... I'll tell the hole story sometime).
The oil is Selenia Racing at the moment.
3. It's a proper loud backfire and the rpm gets back to 1500 immediately. At idle it fluctuates around 800 - 1300 rpm. I must tell you that this car had mounted an T3 /T4 Garret Hybrid Turbocharger but for the start I want to get it back to It's stock condition. I have bought one more engine (60 thousends km) and with this one I have some more in my mind.
Thank you very much for your help and I hope sometime I'll get the same back to you. I really appreciate this.
I'll show you all some pictures as soon as I'll have "him" home. I hope this will happen next week. Talk to you soon. Bye !
Hi Cristian, Great to have you here, good luck with the car, we look forward to the photos :D
Thanks man, and for the wishes too. I'll need a lot of good luck with this project but you all know this, don't you? Oh, I've forgot about the money... . I'm pretty sure you've also been throug much before having done yours Q4 projects. I wish to you all good luck in everything you do. :wink:
I won't let you wait too much for the photos, I'll put some into the gallery as soon as it's possible. I barely wait too... :D
PS: I must tell you all that it feels much more easier for me to go on with this project when I know that I can count on your help. And I can assure you I'll make it up with everything I can.
For the start I'd like to invite you all visit the Alfa Romeo Funclub for Romania but first I have to know if it's ok to make public here the site.... I'll help you with anything I can as I'm also a moderator there.
For the start I'd like to invite you all visit the Alfa Romeo Funclub for Romania but first I have to know if it's ok to make public here the site.... I'll help you with anything I can as I'm also a moderator there.
I am sure its not a problem to post the link :)
Yes a lot of us have been through similar things, all part of the Q4 fun, heres my current car - this is when I got it:
and another which I rebuilt the engine on and then sold to member called pavs:
Any Q4 question can be answered here :D is the link for Alfa Romeo Funclub in Romania, we have also an "English Corner" where you can post so everybody could answer you in english. As I said before I'm more than happy to invite all members from Berlina Sportivo to visit our site and I'll gladly help you with everything is necessary. You're welcome ! :D
It's a huge difference between what was and what has become your Q4, I'm sure it wasn't easy for you but what I can say is that you've done a GREAT JOB. Congratulations mate, keep on this way ! Soon I'll follow that way too...
It's so good to know that any answer about Q4 can be found here, i appreciate this really much. Thanks again !
Hello again guys ! :D
I'm glad to be back even it's a little bit later that I assumed. I've finally managed to bring home my Q4 and soon I'll take some more pictures but untill then... ( ( (
and I'm sure it will be much more easier for me with a little help from my mecanics... :wink: (
PS: I hope that the pictures are OK, otherwise please let me know the best way to post them. Thanks again ! We'll be back as soon as possible. :wink:
Take care of you guys. Bye !
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