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06-06-06, 20:12
I Have a big problem when the engine cold it goos perfect bad when it start to hot gooes like 100 ps :(

Steve Webb
09-06-06, 10:07
Sounds to me like it might be a temp sensor problem, seriously overfueling the engine when it gets warm. I'd start with the water temp sensor first, or get the car hooked up to a fiat tester. That should be able to tell you where exactly the problem lies.

09-06-06, 23:11
thank you steve ı buy the car one week ago.ı change the oil only.I get the car and hooked up to a fiat tester.ı think fuel is the problem :(The car had big enjecter big turbo piston and headher .And ı think the best is the car is onyl 17000 km :)

Steve Webb
10-06-06, 18:26
Hi, just been looking at the car on the other thread, as you said it sounds like a fueling problem, if the car has had bigger injectors, bigger turbo, and exhaust manifold (headers) then i think it would be sensible to get the car properly mapped. What sort of boost does it make now? You need to be very careful to make sure that its not underfueling, you'll risk melting a piston, or overfueling when you risk diluting your oil and running bearings.


11-06-06, 00:44
Yes this is the other problem becouse boos is 1.5 peak and 1.3 contiouns :(

Steve Webb
11-06-06, 07:22
:shock: :shock: I would reduce the boost immediately. The standard head gasket is not going to be able to deal with those pressures for very long.

12-06-06, 17:17
an other reason for your problem could be, that because of too high boost the car goes in "failsafe-mode". the ECU does not allow more than 1.5 bar!

and check the spark plugs, specially with higher boost levels you need to shorten the "spark-distance" a little.