View Full Version : Why is everything on a Q4 so hard to do?

Steve Webb
29-05-18, 14:07
So, got a new fuel pump and fuel pressure regulator a couple of weeks back, time has been tight so only just got myself into gear to get the regulator fitted.

Can't be that hard can it? Well to get access to the bloody thing you need to get the inlet piping off, throttle body off, which means unbolting the ICV and moving the ignition amplifiers, and then, and then.......

Finally got it into place, replacing old fuel lines as I went, and a couple of the old oil return lines from the oil seperator. Pretty pleased with it all until I went to plug the ignition amplifer back in, no sodding room for the connector. Looks like I'm going to have to put together a small bracket to angle the heatsink.
Still almost there, and hopefully almost back to proper fuel pressure.


29-05-18, 20:54
Yup...I know the feeling. Looks good though!

Steve Webb
02-06-18, 18:09
The plan today was to get the bracket made up and the ignition amps mounted back up. As ever things didn't go quite to plan.

The bracket was mocked up in cardboard, then aluminium, rivnuts added to be able to screw down the amplifiers, but then trying to get the nuts onto the stud to hold the bracket in place it all started to go wrong. Couldn't get them on, lost one to the depths of the engine bay and started hacking at the bracket to be able to get the nuts on and it secured.
Finally got there, but was really not happy with the clearances between regulator (mounted onto engine) and amplifiers (mounted to bulkhead) these are going to move relative to one another as the engine moves on its mounts and at some point would touch.

So plan b time, as my battery is in the boot, I'm going to relocate the Amps to where the battery used to be, I think I've found the connectors for the amps, so will lengthen the wires and add new connectors and move it well out of harms way.

Interesting but frustrating day.



03-06-18, 09:46
The plan today was to get the bracket made up and the ignition amps mounted back up. As ever things didn't go quite to plan.

The bracket was mocked up in cardboard

It is way too tight in there!

Mocked up in CAD [Cardboard aided design]! :)

As per everything in the excellent Project Binky:


Steve Webb
04-06-18, 15:12
The only problem with Project Binky is that they take far too long between episodes. Cracking build though, I think I'm upto date with it all now. Just watched them build the new HVAC system, pretty awesome problem solving and engineering.

05-06-18, 16:13
True but for the great content I am prepared to wait. Its just a hobby for them it seems although their patreon page is doing very well now :)