View Full Version : ... Giulia FANGs II ... :: 1976 Alfa Romeo Giulia
George Manont
05-12-12, 09:47
... Guilia FANGs II ... :: 1976 Alfa Romeo Guilia (2012-12-05 09:35:35)
George Manont
05-12-12, 10:41
May I introduce... The FANGs II.....
FANGs II & I Like Chopin FULL V.02.wmv - YouTube
See ya, Ciao.....
George Manont
Steve Webb
05-12-12, 12:35
Thats a great car, I've always loved these and yours looks stunning.
Where abouts are you from? That number plate doesn't look american to me!
George Manont
05-12-12, 14:05
Thats a great car, I've always loved these and yours looks stunning.
Where abouts are you from? That number plate doesn't look american to me!
Hi, Mr.Webb,
This is one of my hidaway locations, Thailand.
Thanks for the compliments.
Steve Webb
05-12-12, 16:02
No need to be so formal Mr Manont, :) , whereabouts in Thailand are you? I've got some family in the north, and I've been in the south diving as well.
Welcome Mr Manont :D
Lovely car!
George Manont
05-12-12, 23:33
No need to be so formal Mr Manont, :) , whereabouts in Thailand are you? I've got some family in the north, and I've been in the south diving as well.
Thank you sir. I only want to pay respect to you and your website, that's all.
OK, Jack... we are brothers by brand ( of cars ) !
Currently, called me a Bangkokian. We have so many cars, too many. 90%+ is of Japanese's origin, 9%+ = European, and less than 1% is old American cars. So you see, our roads are quite crowded. Bangkok is the capital city, and it has the most jammed & packed roads.
On top of that, our clevered government has a scheme to give 100,000 bht. to every first-time buyers, and the Japanese car companies are laughing all the way to the banks.
Some say certain model of Honda, if you deposite your dinero today, by the end of next year, you may get it.
" ... I've got some family in the north, and I've been in the south diving as well... "
Wow, you aren't saying you are Thai ? Are ya ? Tell me a little bit more, please !
I have story to tell you, this happened to my brother in law, who was a high rank officer in the Thai Air Force ; He enjoy driving so much, so he went to the north, he was stopped, and the police walked around his car to see anything illegal. They asked him to pop the gas-filler door. And outcome was a little bag of ...
He did know who who planted it , after some showing of the I.D card, he was let go.
This story tells you that you have to be real careful.
I'm not proud !
George Manont
05-12-12, 23:46
Welcome Mr Manont :D
Lovely car!
Thank you kindly.
Alfa 155 is my next project. ( In fact, I used to have 2 of 155's. one was silver, the other was white, they aren't with me anymore ! )
The plan is to do the Zagato-liked 155, provided that the current owner do not back-track of his words.
or else !
Thanks, for liking this FANGs II Giulia ! Appreciated it !
Here it is, my dream ! (
Steve Webb
06-12-12, 13:56
Hi George, nope I'm not Thai, Its my stepson, his wife and kids who are over there, somewhere around Chiang Rai if I remember correctly. Its been a couple of years since we've been over so I guess we'll be heading back sometime soon.
If you're looking for a GTA style 155 I guess you're keeping a close watch on mpampis_'s thread.
George Manont
06-12-12, 17:44
Hi George, nope I'm not Thai, Its my stepson, his wife and kids who are over there, somewhere around Chiang Rai if I remember correctly. Its been a couple of years since we've been over so I guess we'll be heading back sometime soon.
If you're looking for a GTA style 155 I guess you're keeping a close watch on mpampis_'s thread.
Steve, thanks. Whenever you will be in town, please let me know in advance.
Yes, the GTA looks better than the Zagato / Ti.Z , but the rear spoiler, well I'm not into that much. But you'd never know.
Tomorrow, a guy will have his 155 at my house, I'll see if I like, we'll take it from there.
ps. This one sure looks good. (
Nice picture of 155 -GTA!?
Welcome, George!
I assume you were leading the project from the beggining to the end, weren't you? Excelent anyway! I'm still admiring...
Btw, I also like that kind of ladies :lipsrsealed: ; )
George Manont
08-12-12, 16:24
Tryper ; Thank you kindly.
Xti ; Also thanks to you. The kind of ladies, yeah, I know what you mean, they all lead you to trouble !
BTW - Today was to be the first body work day, but falty regulator ( leaks ) so, I have to fix it right away before I start to sing " Light My Fire "... scared !
WoW ! (
David ARTC-215
25-12-12, 12:20
Nice toy. I've always loved this car. :wub:
George Manont
31-12-12, 12:03
Nice toy. I've always loved this car. :wub:
Thanks, David !
Great car mate. I'm jealous of this because i like historic cars a lot
Steve Webb
31-12-12, 17:33
BTW - Today was to be the first body work day.
What bodywork are you having done? Is it to get rid of some rust?
George Manont
31-12-12, 23:52
Hi Steve,
I planned to modify the body a little... to reflect the GTA may be...
...then the other idea came up.....
Oh, well.... story of my life !
To " BerlinaSportivo " clans ; (
George Manont
01-01-13, 00:01
Great car mate. I'm jealous of this because i like historic cars a lot
Hi mpampis,
Thank you, kindly !
Your name sounds AFRIKAAN to me.....
Alfa bumaye ! ( Alfa kills )
That Red Engine of yours is killing me.....
BTW, I love to hear the build story of your engine, excuse me for my ignorance, you may have posted somewhere. But if you could, please list it out here for my education ; What has been done, parts sources, results, cost.
Mucho Grasias, It'll save me a lot of headache and dinero, not to mention FUN !
Steve Webb
01-01-13, 13:32
Ahh, I thought you were talking about your Giulia.
George Manont
20-01-13, 02:07
Some unpleasant situation came up, the project still have not started, but I still surge ahead with my dream.
The wheels should look like this... (
The Car..should look like this... (
... and I...should look like this..... (
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