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View Full Version : 1996 Alfa Romeo 155q4 Widebody

19-02-12, 18:24
1996 Alfa Romeo 155q4 Widebody (2012-02-19 18:24:24)

Steve Webb
19-02-12, 18:48
This sounds a bit of a beast Anders, looking forward to seeing some pics of the car. Especially as we all know that Black is the best colour. :ninja:

peter holst
20-02-12, 07:01
pictures please :)

20-02-12, 08:26
I'll post some pictures soon. I'm in the middle of moving so it might be a while. In te mean time i can give a tip regarding brake upgrades; lancia delta mk3 has 4 stud 330*28mm discs that fits fine together with 166 calipers!

abarth 22
19-03-12, 20:14
hello, i am also planing similar brake ugrade on my q4.

do you maybe know how will fit thoose delta mk3 disc with 159 calipers? do you have brembo disc or?

sorry for my language....


19-03-12, 21:29
Welcome mate, waiting to see pics and progress with your future plans