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View Full Version : Ebay fees!!

Steve Webb
22-10-11, 21:26
Its been a while since I listed anything on ebay, but bloody hell there fees have gone through the roof haven't they!!

It used to be a cheap way to get rid of stuff, but these days when you add in Paypal and the fees they charge its getting ridiculous!

23-10-11, 10:18
Yup, bunch of robbers these days...lots of people are returning to COD now that Paypal isn't obligatory any more.


Steve Webb
01-11-11, 19:53
Well COD is a little tricky for me. Luckily at the moment 11 out of the 12 items I listed have sold / will sell, and for way more than my reserve prices, so it looks like the new project budget is going to be healthy.

Steve Webb
13-11-11, 10:20
For all my moaning (or whinging if you are Jim) everything that I stuck up on Ebay sold, and for more than my reserve so I'm fairly happy. Had a guy come this morning and collect a car load of Fiat spares. Just got the shell and a few bits left so almost got room in the garage for the new project.
The lead on a GTV seems to have fallen through though. :sad: