View Full Version : Would it be possible....

Steve Webb
13-09-11, 18:42
Seeing that hf hpe has got a Dedra estate got me wondering just how similar the 155 and Dedra were underneath.

So would it be possible to take this:


and using all the oily bits from a Q4 transform it into a Dedra Q4.

And carrying that thought process on, would it be possible to swap the front end over using the wings and bonnet from a 155. Maybe the doors as well?

Sort of like the Sbarro Q4 on the cheap.

hf hpe
13-09-11, 21:16
Steve the Dedra Integrale from 12.94 is only SW but normaly aspirated
I'm dismantle one for spares few weeks ago

For the drive train is not a problem.
But for doors and external parts must do huge amount work.

And may be it will be easy to rework normal 155 in SW