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View Full Version : Photos from Winton 6Hr

26-10-08, 23:39
A few pics from the Alfa Club 6Hr event held here (in Australia) at winton Motor Raceway


41 cars on the track at once - very busy...

27-10-08, 08:13
Very nice....what's the little black strip on your bonnet?


28-10-08, 06:01
and some video from the event taken from inside my Q4 - mostly of other alfas of course! :)

YouTube - 6hr 2008 vid 1

YouTube - 6hr vid 2008 2.wmv

28-10-08, 08:51
what's the little black strip on your bonnet?


Seems they all have it.

Nice pics Jim, will watch the videos if I can get this flash player to work after its "update" :rolleyes:

Steve Webb
08-11-08, 13:42
Very nice....what's the little black strip on your bonnet?


Transponder of some sort?

Anyway Jim, almost didn't recognise your car without the red wheels!!

09-11-08, 04:55
I think that the black (well charcoal grey) wheels look a lot better!


Steve Webb
09-11-08, 06:36
Definitely! So what was under the black tape on all the cars?

09-11-08, 08:18
What black strip?

Steve Webb
09-11-08, 08:31
On the 4th pic of the first post, all 4 cars have a 1x4" patch of something towards the top rear of the front wing.

09-11-08, 08:49
Oh I see the one you mean now, maybe it is to denote a driver change or something like that - they tear off the cover which is white part way through the race.

09-11-08, 18:55
yes, they tear off the white velcro piece when you come off the track and attach it to the car that goes out next for your team - so you can't cheat and have 2 cars out at once.. cause the team with the most total laps wins...