View Full Version : "evocars" chips or not?

22-09-08, 09:33
Interesting site....from a recent thread on FCCUK:



22-09-08, 10:01
Interesting page.

# People selling dead peoples chips on ebay without any scrupule and not knowing a thing about mapping or what the 16V turbo is all about.

That would be a reference to the late well respected Barry Waterhouse then... :frown:

22-09-08, 11:53
Yup, it's referring to a chap who's been selling "his" copy of the BW chip which appears to have two versions, one which is a bit iffy and the other a straight copy....and for some reason has ripped a lot of people off...at least that's the way I read the recent thread :(

Very sad


22-09-08, 12:26
I would go and have a look but the server seems to be down...

22-09-08, 17:32
what I have understood is that the 'modified' chip area is an area where lot of myths are alive. It is not easy to make a 'state of the art' chip and it's easier to make a copy of a mediocre chip and sell it in half the price. Public relations and ignorance from the other part can keep any myth or lie alive.
But its a long discussion and its better to leave it as it is.

BTW, does anyone use the evocar's chip. I wander if Q4's co trimer is still in function with this chip! Can someone confirm this?


22-09-08, 18:48
Pavs has one I think, I asked the same question on FCCUK but didn't get an answer....then all this fuss kicked off :eek:

I was tempted by one....but I'm not so sure now! :rolleyes:


23-09-08, 06:21
I have the coupe evocars chip (for coupe 16vt) - it's crap. I guess it depends on your setup but on mine it was horrible to drive (3 angle valves, lightened & balanced, higher pressure pump, stock pressure regulator). It overfuelled like mad, especially on the overrun and ignition looked very advanced at higher rpm. It was also jerky as hell going off/on throttle. It lasted for one (short) drive and soon got erased. I've now just been taking the standard eprom and modifying it to adjust the fuelling to suit and only slight changes on ignition to keep within safe levels.

23-09-08, 12:03
evocars Q4 chip is in fact based on coupe's 16vt chip and according to an old post of BW there was another chip {for integrale 16V only, not the evo2-coupe-q4} suitable for 3-angle cut valves.
Anyway, it does overfuel, even with oem fuel pressure.
Also evo2 and coupe has not the co trimmer and I believe it was not 'activated' in evocars chip for the Q4.

Did you lightened the crankshaft or the flywheel too? Making your own map it might be helpful to you to modify the maps {x2} at hex address : 71e-0 to 71e-f {71e-0 to 71e-7 and 71e-8 to 71e-f} for 10103-10104 bins.
The comments I have about these two maps are:
Upper and Lower rpm thresholds vs CTS.
"when you leave the throttle in rest position while the engine is for example at 4.000 rpm the ecu will cut completly injection untill the point of the upper threshold, that is about 1.300rpm (so that engine does not drop untill stop) when the engine is warm in stock ecu.
Lowering this value will enable your engine to drop lower before injection is restarted.
Very usefull if you have a lighter flywheel. The engine will sometimes die if you disengage the clutch and brake simultaneously. If you push it a little higher, the engine won?t stall".

These comments might be helpful to you.



23-09-08, 15:29
Thanks for the tip & description Nick - those addresses are useful. Crank was lightened with flywheel, I forget the exact weight reduction - not too aggressive, ~4kg's from standard.

The revs dropping to much when coming off throttle to idle is a problem I have. I'll test at the weekend.

Steve Webb
23-09-08, 19:18
People have assumed that because the Q4 / Grale / 16vt coupe share the same short engine you can interchange the chip. You can't.
The original Evocars Q4 chip was written for and on my car on the rollers of Power engineering in Luton, and is undoubtably very different from a grale/coupe chip.

23-09-08, 20:14
Dear Steve,

if I send you the binary file I have from the Evocars chip can you have a look at the differences that might have with your chip? Do you have the software to compare them?
It's just a curiosity of mine to see if the file I have is an authentic one or if it's just b...
Mostly I concern for a certain map {a certain hex address} in this Evocars file I have and I would like to see-understand if this map is related to the CO trimmer or not.

By the way, was the CO trimmer in your car {with evocars chip} adjustable? You see, in the old BW's site there was not any indication - note to adjust the Q4's CO trimmer {neither for the EVO2 nor for the FIAT Coupe 16VT} at 2,5% though there was such note for the Integrale 16V/Evo1.


23-09-08, 20:36
Thanks for the tip & description Nick - those addresses are useful. Crank was lightened with flywheel, I forget the exact weight reduction - not too aggressive, ~4kg's from standard.

The revs dropping to much when coming off throttle to idle is a problem I have. I'll test at the weekend.

the formula to calculate the rpm thresholds I believe is the "117208 / DecVal" and its 8 bit not 16 bit.


29-10-08, 22:58
Found this on ebay, from the guy mentioned in the first post:


Haven't translated the text so not sure if it's the same guy or someone who has bought a chip.
