View Full Version : Lean problem!! help!!

29-08-08, 16:45
I just took out the car from the mechanic, engine rebuilt.

I have a problem with fuel, first the car started en 2 cil, i took out the injectors and send them to clean. After that the car started well, but its really lean at every moment, it doesnt run good.
after a few minutes the fuel pump started to die, so i replaced it .
The new pump works great, but my car it is still runing very lean when iddle, and when it boosts.
I had to raise the fuel pressure , but it still gets lean.

Any ideas? the fuel filter is new, fuel lines too, pump is new, injectors cleaned (they were not so good, but they can work) , fpr is Ok, all the vacum hooses are new, the water temp sensor is Ok .


29-08-08, 17:04
fuel line inside the tank gets coroded and you loose pressure there...........

29-08-08, 17:14
i checked that when i changed the fuel pump.
all the lines are Ok.

the injectors can be out and need a change??

29-08-08, 20:41
Old fuel? Low voltage at fuel pump?

29-08-08, 20:57
Old fuel? Low voltage at fuel pump?

already checked , everything is ok, fuel is new , voltage its ok :mad:.

29-08-08, 21:03
Water temp sensor? Is the fuel pressure ok?


29-08-08, 21:06
Water temp sensor? Is the fuel pressure ok?


checked , i dont know what can be! , tryed using the car with another ecu, the same, lean .

29-08-08, 21:17
Induction leak? Timing wrong?

Did you take it back to the mechanic?


29-08-08, 21:18
Adjust the CO?

29-08-08, 21:21
Thing that bothers me...if the car worked ok before the engine rebuild what has changed?

CO trimmer is only for adjusting idle I think.


29-08-08, 21:23
Induction leak? Timing wrong?

Did you take it back to the mechanic?


Ill take it on monday, ignition seems to be Ok too.
The only problem i have is that the car goes lean. The rest is working Ok. I dont know what can it be.
there is a chance that the problem are the injectors?

29-08-08, 21:28
Thing that bothers me...if the car worked ok before the engine rebuild what has changed?


Ohh me too, it bothers!! , but cars are like this. My only doubt is about the injectors, because they were really dirty and 2 where stuck, i took them to clean, and the guy told me that they started working but they are not in very very good shape, i dont think that with the car runing up to 2000/3000 rpm this injectors can make the car goe lean so easy.
Because it goes lean all the time.

30-08-08, 02:31
Check for oxidated sparkplug cable.

And if realy all vacuum hoses are connected.
Mine was very lean after some work also a week ago.
(New exhaust manifold and new camshaft fitted. So head of operation.)

I had one very oxidated sparkplug-cable. And a tucked away vacuum hose was not connected. Wich my old garage missed, but the newly found new garage found very quickly.

30-08-08, 03:33
ill check them again, but all the small hoses are new, the cables are fine, almost new.
It could be the map sensor? how can I check at it ?
Can faulty injectors cause this lean problem??


Juan AR155Q4
30-08-08, 03:59
Does it idle properly?
I'd try another set of injectors, problem seems there.
Check MAP voltage with a multimeter.

30-08-08, 12:33
It idles properly only if i raise the fuel pressure. :frown:

There are any recomended injectors?

i ill check the map voltage now.

30-08-08, 12:54
What fuel pressure are you running now?


01-09-08, 11:31
wrinx, i dont know what pressure im runing now , i just raised up the pressure via the original Fuel pressure regulator until the car started, but surely its higher than the original.

01-09-08, 12:02
What if you turned the pressure down by accident?

I would be fitting a fuel pressure guage as a priority to check what is going on before going any further.

01-09-08, 13:51
ive already tried 2 pressure regulators, checked the pump, with the 2 pressure regulators it does the same, one is adjustable, the other still not.
Tried also obstructing the return pipe to the tank (so it builds up pressure on the injectors) and still the same, lean .

01-09-08, 18:55
How are you testing the AFR and what is it reading?

I hate forum guessing games.......:frown: