View Full Version : radiator fun compatibility

21-08-08, 08:06
My radiator's fun is in its last days and need of replacement.
No longer available from Alfa {as for the rest of the spare parts} and I wander if there is any other model that uses the same radiator fun or if the one from the other 155 models is compatible and with two fan speeds.
Any suggestions?


21-08-08, 08:36
I used a fiat tipo 1.9 TD radiator ...it fits perfectly.You only need to make an adapter for the rubber pipes something like this:

..for the turbo cooling.

21-08-08, 10:51
thanks for the reply axa but I'm going to change just the electric fan not the hole radiator.
Nice to know though that the tipo radiator fits to Q4.


21-08-08, 11:00
Why don't you take the fan from the Fiat Coupe 16V Turbo..? Or the 20V Turbo..?

They could do the job, I?l think!

21-08-08, 11:17
Oh sorry i read a little too fast :)

21-08-08, 11:42
what about a 'generic' fan that only has a single speed? Cheaper, flater and lighter..


21-08-08, 12:07
That doesn't sound like fun to me.....

Google Spal and Kenlowe, they do many kinds of fans, some of which will fit, they do fitting kits too.

21-08-08, 22:00
That doesn't sound like fun to me.....

Google Spal and Kenlowe, they do many kinds of fans, some of which will fit, they do fitting kits too.

you are right, its fan and not fun {at all}.
I do not think my 'fun' will last that long to wait for a new one to arrive from England.
I'll try to remove it tomorrow and see i f I can find something here in Athens. I do like to have a two speed fun for the hot climate here.

Thanks any way.


22-08-08, 07:14
I use a Opel Vectra 1995 fan + motor. You just need to make 3 10-12 mm long distances for the 3 screws holding the motor to the chassis.

I use it since the Opel motor is much chorter and gives place for a bigger turbo. However the fan itself has lower flow/rpm so if your fan is ok you can try to make a hybrid. I am about to fit a "new" undamaged Q4 fan to the Opel motor to get the correct flow.

22-08-08, 10:08
Does anyone know if the 2,5L V6 radiator fan is a two speed one or is it a single speed one?
Alfa parts CD give me two part numbers for the radiators fan :
- 60577994 : same as the one for the Q4
- 60500618.

By the way, Alfa dealer here in Greece asked me 680 Euro {+ VAT} for this fan and more than a month {at least} for delivery! I'm waiting for more than 3 years for a pair of camshafts when they have told me 2-3 weeks for delivery!!! Imagine how log will be the '1 month' delivery.


22-08-08, 13:04
It is the controller that is two speed and not the fan, no?

22-08-08, 14:03
I do not know, I could not short that out from the wiring diagram.
The controller-sensor has three wires{one connector with 2 wires and another one with 1 wire}. One of them is common {the one wire in the 2 wires connector} and the other two wires{1+1} are one for the 1st-slower speed and the other one for the second-faster speed. I did not find out where these wires go.
Then, apart the 2 feed wires to the fan motor, there is also another wire that goes to a resistor {from bellow}.

I believe that the speed of the fan motor is given by the controller-sensor and in theory any fan could have-work in two speeds. What I do not know is that if the oem fan motor is one with high speed-revs {for the 'second' speed} - if there is such a one - or if it is just an 'ordinary-normal' speed motor.

From your experience do you think that any fan motor {for example the one from the 2,5L V6 155 I found} could perform the same? Connections to the fan motors are the same with the one I have on the car.



22-08-08, 18:33
I believe that the speed of the fan motor is given by the controller-sensor and in theory any fan could have-work in two speeds.

I would agree with this.

Whether you buy a second hand fan, something from another car or a new one from the companys I suggested is totally up to you, the size of your wallet and how well you want it to perform. I can only supply you with the info. Sadly my knowledge does not stretch to fitting various different fans from one model of Alfa to another....

I would have thought that buying a second hand fan in Greece would be a bit like buying a used umberella here in the UK. :biggrin:

22-08-08, 19:57
I must agree with you about the ... second hand umbrella. But what about if you need one when is raining and you must wait a month for a new one to arrive?
By the way, second hand spare parts here in Greece are not from Greece. They are all imported, mostly from Italy and Belgium - not that this mean that are of a certain quality. I need one now as the one I have started last week to whistle a lot and I do not want to keep the car in the garage for another time. I need to take it for a serious spin and try my new map-bin.

Thanks again.


22-08-08, 21:53
Touche my friend. :smile:

Is it possible to take the fan or motor apart to find out if anything can be repaired?

Thanks for the little insight into how things are done in your country, so you import cars purely to break up and sell for spares or just import the parts?
Re-cycling makes good sense to me and I run around in an old car and an old van, the body work is eaten by the salt and water, but the mechanicals have lots of life left due to my diligence, my Eco-conscience is clear. Sadly not to the majority of my fellow countrymen, ('we save our plastic bags', wow...) buy it, when the new model comes along (and you haven't already crashed it down to your stupidity) get rid of it... Ooh, lets buy a Prius, it's economical to run, lets forget that we had to destroy part of the planet to make it...
The Polish come over to our salvage auctions, pay more than our guys will and take cars home by the boat load, they have more skills due to the fact that they have had to make do and mend, now that is eco-friendly.

Sorry for the thread diversion and little rant. :redface:

22-08-08, 22:22
...make do and mend, now that is eco-friendly.

Agree completely....I'm a "fixer" whenever possible :smile:

Eco-friendly AND cheaper for my pocket!

I also hoard lots of stuff, as it's "bound to come in useful one day"...but that's another story!


23-08-08, 08:50
agree with both of you 100%.

By the way, 20 years ago there was a study from Rome's Uni about the effects of non-cyclic HxCOx emissions on humans health and Ca relation {higher%}. Cats release more of them in the atmosphere than a non cat car!!! But who cares? The ecologists certainly NO!
As long as there is profit, ecologist follow and applause.

I'll take apart the fan in a couple of hours and try to see if something can be fixed.


as for the second hand spare parts, they go abroad {Italy, Belgium ...}, buy the hole cars, break them to peaces and import them as parts - less VAT to pay this way.

23-08-08, 11:45
Back to fans...

If it was me I would be contacting Spal or Kenlowe and asking them who (from their list of dealers) would send me a fan. Their newer design of fans are far more efficient than an old one and they don't cost too much.

24-08-08, 08:02
I think I saw a Spal dealer somewhere here in Athens. I'll start looking Monday morning with fan motor in hands.
