View Full Version : Knock sensor

08-07-08, 10:54
Hy, guys!

Can anyone tell me, how can I check, if my knock sensor is broken?

Because today I was in a fiat service, and their computer showed 2 errors:
1 - Knock sensor bad
2 - EEprom error

My problem is, that on low revs, the car is very weak.
On higher rews (from 3500-4000rpm) is the car stronger, but no stronger than a simple 2.0 twinspark engine.

Any suggestions?

08-07-08, 11:07
Page 30 of this PDF may help but I do not know how much...

08-07-08, 11:11
Page 30 of this PDF may help but I do not know how much...

Yes, I've already red that, but didn't help me much... :)

Thanks anyway!

15-07-08, 05:50
gerry ,
if you want real check to knock sensor ,
you need an oscilloscope .

have you any friend ?
working on electronic ?

knock sensor work like microphone ,
its listen the engine .

if the connect the knock sensor to oscilloscope ,
when hit the sensor with screw driver ,
you must see the on screen changing frequence .(like microphone)

if sensor defective ! or doesnt connect .
ecu think engine has always knocking !
after the 3000 rpm ..

16-07-08, 16:51
Thank you!
yes, I have a lot of friends!
So I'll do that!
Does anyone have a datasheet of this sensor?
